Tuesday, June 25


My life-
its running,
out of control.

Stop it!
Pause it!
Rewind it?

Miss the past-

No burdens,
or responsibilities
nor constraints.

death - AHOY!


Then the paranoia strikes
It turns me against all my likes
My thoughts seem surrounded by bleak dykes
All my fears run in, in extreme hikes

Am I scared of them?
Can I stop them before they stem?

I remain answerless
I sit stateless

My surroundings start to blur
The demons begin to slur

My body, soul and mind tremble
As my phobias begin to assemble
What do I start to resemble?
An apparition. I think I’m going to tumble

Down the trap laid by my mind
I need a quietus - the only way to unwind.


I miss seeing your face,
Experiencing the whimsical annoyance!

It brings me down to tears,
My soul, she sears.

I miss your perfect nose,
And how your skin glows.

I miss us two.
Running past everything, through and through.

Ignoring what others say,
Lying on the same fray.

I miss running my fingers past your hair,
It gets messy?! I don’t care!

I miss the listening to you talk,
Enjoying your symphony, as we mutually gawk.

Spending nights,
Recreating petty fights, 

Weren’t those fun sights?

I miss you standing next to me,
Crushing my hand, sigh, just you and me.


Want to quit
No more work, or any sweat.
I want to leave it all,
The ground around me fall.
Owe no one no more
Evade all the darkness and the gore.
Leave everyone behind,
I don’t, they shouldn’t mind.
Its my soul,
My drag, its all my whole.
Forgo all the quarrels
That run all over my morals.
I want to quit.
Run away from all this shit.


What’s gotten over me?
Where’s my brightness and my glee?
Where’s my happiness?
Overshadowed by all this stress?
Where are those joyous times?
Why am I deaf to those serene songs and relaxing rhymes?
Don’t you want it all to reverse?
Get away from this curse?


I need clarity.
No favors. No charity.

The sense of the right path,
Sin darkness sin goth.

What I need to do next,
What will be best?

I don’t know!
These corrections just don’t flow.

I seek instruction-
Light towards the right direction.

I wish to evade it all,
Delay my duties, let them stall.

Thursday, March 14

Bitter Critic Reviews - Kai Po Che

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?! No, Its BITTER CRITIC!


Well, we watch movies and we fall in love with that magical element that just makes a film perfect and viewable, over and over again, and that perfect song that plays in the backdrop just as soon as the protagonist catches the first glimpse of the girl while the breeze unveils her picture perfect face blushing while she beams. Oh, so adorable!
Well, I puke all over that. 

That was probably the only way to delineate Bitter Critic.
And today, I'm reviewing Chetan Bhagat's book-turned-film, Kai Po Che, which I see from the point of view of well, a viewer, cynical, not like a technician, looking at oh well, how brilliant the lighting was and whether or not the music should have started just a millisecond later.